Monthly Archives: February 2014

Daygame Singapore

I did a little daygame in downtown Singapore last weekend. From what I could see I was the ONLY person doing so, although from a quick Gooling there do appear to be a couple of bootcamps running now and again.

Singapore is not easy for daygame and here’s why: targets. I spotted very few girls, VERY few that had an approachable vibe to them. Having put my time in in London I can now calibrate pretty well and my spidey-sense screams when I see a girl with a particular ambling walk, particular fashion, particular look and sometimes nothing in particular…. except my brain screaming “she want’s to be opened!”. I’m usually right, and this is a skill which has taken well over a thousand sets of daygame to acquire.

Drifting round the busy shopping streets and malls of Singapore I saw none of this. There were plenty of girls alone, and plenty of these girls were on paper hot. Pleasant faces, pleasant bodies but just no…. sex. It’s almost like these little asian girls are riding in stolen cars. Their genes make them small, keep the fat off and give them soft, buttery skin and glossy hair. Yet they have no real sexiness to them. They’re absolutely not feminine at all. Real femininity is like an aura; it’s wonderful to bask in its glow. There’s absolutely nothing like being in set with a truly feminine girl and being alpha as fuck: the electricity is crackling.

And Singaporeans are very insular. People all seem to be wrapped up in their own little worlds and to be quite frank, to be socially retarded. To start filling in my calibration jigsaw as quickly as possible I made a point of repeatedly asking for directions, the time, where the MRT (underground) station was etc and in general I was right: Singaporeans are simply not used to social interaction on the street and half of them seemed virtually incapable of responding.

Now and again I picked a good looking girl, solo, who did not give me the approachable vibe then approached her anyway. My calibration was correct: it tanked.

Nevertheless I enjoyed my time. I walked around, got a chilled Earl Grey ice tea and started exploring. Chuckling to myself I imagined myself a sleek (cough cough) shark amongst shoals of minnows. All of Singapore… all for me and my daygame!

Daygamer at work... notice the wry smile.

Daygamer at work… notice the wry smile.

But alas.. no girls with a good vibe. I called my friend for a chat then suddenly a pure HB8 walked past. She stood out like a sore thumb: beautiful face, hair and body, with unusual fashion, tight clothes and a gorgeous sashaying walk. I ‘krausered’ the phone conversation by screaming “gotta go bye callubacklater!” then my feet were already carrying me straight for the girl.

Opened well. Hooked. Good set. Went for a number and got an email (which she has since responded to). Calibration working well.

I jumped on the MRT and went to a new area: the so called ‘hipster’ area. The streets were pretty empty. I spot a cute girl walking her ridiculous toy dog. She has unusual fashion and a carefree walk. I open. It’s a great set. Plenty of teasing. Easy number close.

It’s getting late and the heat is making me tired. I head home. In the 7-11 I spot a short girl, possibly Filipino, good looking but with quite a sexual face: glossy eyes, makeup and juicy lips. She has a cute little blazer on and a tight top showing her decent cleavage and tight leggings showing her big, round ass. I perv at her for a second, catch her eye, don’t look away then just ignore her. I’m tired and my timing is off. In hindsight, replaying the movie of my mind, my peripheral vision picks her looking back at me twice.

I leave and am now really tired. Too tired to at the time notice the girl and her friend fall in step beside me: they’ve obviously waited. I finally realize and open with something inane. Straight away she’s on it. She’s giddy and star-struck. I realize it’s SUPER ON. She chunters away: she’s Filipino and has a decent job. I’m chatting to her and politely acknowledging her friend. As I said on a recent Tweet, once your value is 3 points above the girls then it’s their ‘movie star’ moment and their friends facilitate, not cockblock. The obstacle drifts away quietly and keeps herself to herself. We chat a bit more and I realize this needs to be done super quick. I ask her if I’d embarass her by taking her number in front of her friend, then I ask the friend’s permission. She can’t give me the number quick enough. By now I’ve had a good clock of her tits and realize they’re quite juicy and substantial and although she’s short and with an ass verging on the slightly too big I’d quite happily drill her. I fluff and run comfort and DHV until we reach the MRT then I split.

All three leads are now active.

If these assumptions about Singapore continue to hold true then I’d say it’s a difficult place for the average Joe to daygame in. I’ve cut my teeth in London and already built up my calibration, I’m over The Hump. Trying to do that here would be almost impossible: so far the only daygameable girls are literally the hottest girls you see, and this is terrifying for chodes. Daygame here is do-able, as I’ve already shown, but you need razor sharp calibration. The IOI’s here are so much more nuanced than in Europe. Just yesterday a girl walked past me on a pedestrian crossing and because I was tired and daydreaming it took me 20 seconds for my hindbrain to pass the information to my forebrain that the particular angle of her head and way she looked at the traffic were indeed an incredibly subtle IOI to me. Too late. There will be more though…

Learning points from all this:

  • I need to approach more girls who don’t give me the vibe just to make sure my calibration is correct
  • It’s not number of sets, it’s the quality of the girl.
  • The hotter the girl the greater chance of success
  • Approach any hot girl I see even when not ‘doing daygame’ as leads will be thin on the ground here and I can’t get an appreciable volume done on a dedicated daygame session
  • My calibration is getting really good

Sabbatical Day 18


I am going to use this blog to discuss the time I’m taking out from my normal career. These posts don’t really cover game and will read more like journal entries.

Sabbatical Day 18

I am now on day 18 of my (possibly ephemeral) early retirement from the corporate rat race. So far I’ve been back in my hometown to see my family, then spent a long weekend with friends in the middle east and have now been in Singapore a week.

I had an unsatisfying day today. I pontificated grotsequely all morning and didn’t leave the house till 2pm. I couldn’t settle in Starbucks and couldn’t concentrate: the mall was too noisy and cold (they turn the air con up to hypothermia-inducing levels in Asian malls). I decided to just go home and then walking home felt an awful feeling of claustrophobia and anxiety. Claustrophobia as I was heading back to the same apartment. Dread that I was losing control of my schedule and structure and not going to enjoy my sabbatical. I kept asking myself..”Am I having FUN? Why am I not having fun? Am I happy? Happier than in the office at least?”. I didn’t feel like I was having fun. I didn’t feel miserable, but I didn’t feel full of joy. I felt…normal, but with a slight feeling of anxiety, which is sadly, for me, pretty normal. I started to wonder, would I every be happy? Can men really ever be content and happy?

First off I’m reframing these worries as a good sign. I’m really only on the first productive ‘day’ of my sabbatical as I had always planned to take the first 2 weeks as pure chilling and jetlag recovery. Even then I actually achieved quite a lot last week:

  • Got 20 new game leads
  • Did daygame and got 3 solid leads
  • Researched Muay Thai gyms and visited 4
  • Did first gruelling session at gym of choice
  • Went on a few day trips

I’m pretty pleased that I’m already concerned about woppery on day one; it means I’m likely to address and counter it. By writing this post, plus my personal journal (which I don’t publish) I take measures to examine my mindset and self improve.

I’m not so much as a fool to think that the purpose of stopping the career job was to simply laze about. I’d be miserable very quickly doing that. I’ve already talked about the embarrasingly named concept of ‘self carroting’ but I do believe that you need to have a few projects and passions to work on to give yourself structure and goals. I also believe that relaxation is relative and comes as a contrast to the work you do. Sometimes happiness is a chemical by-product of the satisfaction that achievement brings. Has anyone ever seen a movie called “The Pursuit of Happyness” (sic)? It’s the best thing I’ve ever seen Will Smith in: an actual serious movie, and it’s superb. It’s the life of a guy that struggles, and at one point he achieves a goal before having to plunge back into struggle and he says “there! right there! that. THAT was happiness. that moment”. I urge you to watch this film. Shout-out to whomsoever first recommended it to me in the distant past… I forget.

Thus the irony is that in some ways career jobs are a very effective mechanism for some people in achieving relaxation and happiness. My problem with career jobs is that the negatives outweigh the positives:

  • I hate working with gammas and betas and women
  • I cannot get enough sleep and am permanently exhausted
  • I cannot get enough time to exercise and counteract the physically detremental effects of an office job and my body deteriorates terribly
  • My career was in something I had no interest in and every day became a kind of mental torture
  • The effect on my vibe became so great that I struggled to enjoy my time outside of work

On the other hand, as a previous commentor noted, you have to be careful to not get too goal addicted and become too hard on yourself.. but I will worry about that when I get there.

It’s funny but as I write this I feel all worry and stress draining from my body. Writing a journal is incredibly therapeutic. It’s a blissful, meditative feeling. The joy of putting one’s thoughts in order?

Let me stop rambling here, sum up and make a few action points:

Sabbatical is a skill

I think learning to live without the structure of a career job is a skill as in itself and more so, it is a muscle that if it has not been worked out recently needs a while to get back into condition. It personally took me years and years to learn to work in a 9 to 5 job so one cannot expect to conversely learn to live the sabbatical lifestyle immediately. It will be a learning process. As I have said before I have done this before but in some ways I just made the most obvious mistakes and identified them, I now need to learn to put the solutions into practice.


This has plagued humanity for thousands of years so I don’t intend to find the answers in this blog post.  My current thoughts are that certain types of men are not really wired to be happy and content and that is why they achieve so much for themselves and their cultures. Perhaps the normal state is discontent. Everything is relative. I think there’s a certain calm which can be achieved by stop trying to be ‘happy’ and instead just aiming to be the least unhappy. Perhaps trying to be ‘happy’ is too big a goal and one should just focus on maximizing second tier attributes, such as:

  • Being healthy
  • Being social
  • Eating well
  • Sleeping well
  • Learning things
  • Deep connection with other people
  • Social interaction
  • Achieving things
  • Having structure
  • Having sex

I have also accepted something as well: I’m one of life’s worriers. It seems to be my default state. Recognizing this makes it so much easier to tame.

Action points

In true journal style I’ve knocked up a quick list of action points which I think can radically reduce my sense of anxiety within days:

  • Go to bed early
  • Get up early
  • Religiously adhere to the ‘no internet’ after 10pm rule
  • Prepare a weekly timetable with training days, project work, ‘time off’ etc
  • Have a hard timeline to leave the apartment x time after rising
  • Make sure to leave the apartment more often: pack a bag and go find new areas to work in or explore
  • Make sure to have little bits of time off to chill, look at shops, meditate, whatever..


“Oh is this the way they say the future’s meant to feel?
Or just 20,000 people staring at a screen,
And I don’t quite understand just what this feeling is.”

Today I signed up for Tinder. I’ve heard a lot about it. Let me review my prior knowledge for you.

Friend One:

Portugese, 30, swarthy, probably a 10/10 on looks (movie star), puts a pic of himself with his eight pack on a beach holding a surfboard, then writes that he’s a Portugese surfboard instructor.
Result: deluge of messages, all from 26-36 year old high 7’s.

Friend Two:

Part time model. 26 or something. A 9/10.
Result: deluge of messages, all from 20-30 year old high 7’s.

Friend Three:

Captain Strangelove. 34. Average-ish looks. Puts his lifetime best picture of himself and uses it while travelling through parts of South America that rarely get foreigners, makes a big deal of being foreign.
Result: A few lays, all from 26-36 year old high 7’s.

Friend Four:

Mr X. 38. Average-ish looks. London.
Result: Zero.

Friend Five:

Mr Y. 37. Average-ish looks. London.
Result: Zero.

Of course these results should be absolutely zero suprise to any student of game or dabbler in the Manosphere.

Tinder is broken. Only a hopeless blue-pill chode, deep in his faith-based, quasi-religious belief that men and women are the same, could be confused as to why men and women enjoy differnet experiences on Tinder and also struggle to understand why Tinder is anything but:

A convenient net for hot guys to fuck a few girls a couple of points below them and not significantly younger than them.


everyone else to get their time wasted.

The ironic thing is that the Tinder model works just great as a means of accurately assessing men’s sexual interest in a woman, you merely need two pieces of information:

1) Her age
2) Her photo

Obviously she can still fuck it up but the hard truth is if this girl turns up and does not piss the guy off by spouting offensive garbage then most guys would happily fuck her.

What Tinder does that is truly awful is twofold.

Firstly, it magnifies societal decline. It’s a form of leverage. People are becoming superficial, iphone-gazing, zombie-like shallow creatures from sci-fi novels. They like pap, we give ’em pap, then all they ever know is pap. Here we have the whole spectrum of human interaction broken down into an app, which in itself deliberately restricts sophistication and nuance. Tinder is a glimpse into a dystopian future.

Secondly, Tinder tells an enormous lie and sours people’s lives. The lie is that women’s attraction is the same as men’s and I guarantee you it is not. Women’s sexual attraction to men is hugely affected by a men’s behaviour, we all know this, but a lot of modern women don’t.

Of course they don’t. Because the pyramid of lies that is the blue-pill world is built on a precarious, jenga-like structure of lie upon lie. If men’s personality affected a woman’s attraction to him then that would mean…. OMG. JUST WOW. That men and woman are DIFFERENT.


So what Tinder does is further reinforce to women that male attractiveness is in men’s looks, not personality. And it’s not just average-looking guys like me that lose out because of this lie; it’s women: they get less men in their lives that they’re attracted to. Less boyfriends. Less adventures. Less romances. Less marriages. Occasionally someone pumps and dumps them and that’s it.

So I’m in a foreign country and the reason I signed up is to wonder if my foreign-ness makes me sufficiently shiney to become that guy. Brave New World… here I come!


Early Retirement: Day One

I finished my job yesterday after 14 months of work. Before starting this job I thought I’d successfully brainwashed myself into being excited about my chosen vocation and that I could conduct a forebrain initiated restructuring of my satisfaction pathways and recommence an exciting career in IT.


A month in and I was exhausted from lack of sleep and puzzled how, given the banal, tedious and irritating nature of the job and the utter repulsiveness of most of the people in the industry I was supposed to carry out this amazing feat of mind-programming.

Two months in and I’d realised

“this is fucked. the sooner you realise you can’t have a normal office career job anymore the sooner you can find happiness”.

I’d given up trying to explain my predicament to family and I was very careful about which friends I explained it to. Family members and blue-pill friends reacted with scorn:

“what makes YOU any different? everybody else has to put up with it!”

I have two responses to this:


No, not everybody does. There are a quite a few entrepreunerial, lazy, lucky (or all) people working very little in something they don’t mind and having lots of free time off. Sometimes it’s not a case of the guy who cracked affiliate selling and lives in Thailand making half a million a year; I know a plasterer who works three days a week on his own timetable, takes however much time off he feels like and earns £25k a year.


I don’t GIVE A SHIT that other people have boring, miserable lives. I’m a capitalist, not a dreamer. I don’t want everybody to have a high standard of living because then who will dig holes, scrub potatoes and sweep up dirt.? I don’t care that other people have crappy jobs. I don’t feel sorry for them either; everything I have has been the direct consequence of my father’s and my own work. ALL OF IT. Feeling sorry for people in bad jobs is intellectually and morally void. It’s a brittle, stupid little frame. You get what you earn. If your parents work hard then in a capitalist society/economy they can send you to a better school and you get better grades and get a better job. THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT OF WORKING HARD: your life is better.

Each to their own I say.

I like the fact there are loads of stupid people: my life would be hell if everyone was as smart as me.

I like the fact there are lots of lazy, fat people: makes me look better.

Why would someone WANT to work hard till the day they die? Would it not be better to want the maximum with the minimum input?

Think like a winner. Free yourself from this chode programming. Dare to think ambitiously.

Let me sum this up, and this is undoubtedly going to incense some readers…

I want the best for me. The lifestyle I am seeking is unsustainable should everyone have it and I do not care. I want what is best for me, not what is best for strangers. Selfish self-interest.

Anyway let me continue with my rambling blog post.

After deciding chode-career was fucked I came up with an interim plan: save like a motherfucker, work 12-14 months then take one to two years ‘off’. And by ‘off’ I mean ENJOYING LIFE.

Towards the end of my sentence I decided on two years.

How do I feel on Day One? I still feel flat. I think my emotional spectrum has become compressed by the depressing weather of winter plus 14 months of work gradually pulling my state ever downwards. I hope that in a few months I’ll start to get the work out of my system; that my state and mood will improve and I’ll start to generally move upwards on the joy graph. During the last 14 months a certain non-working friend used to seem puzzled at my frequent flat periods of state… IT’S CALLED A 9 TO 5 JOB MATE!

I remember the last time I took time off. After 3 months off I was tootling round Chiang Mai on my scooter and just felt so…. content and calm and happy. Then I realised ‘Oh! THIS is the real me. That other thing wasn’t quite me.’. It’s a dark thought for all the office-chodes: perhaps the you you think is you is not: it’s the squashed office version. Perhaps the real you would come out in a few months of travelling.

The other thought bubbling round my head is a mild anxiety. I certainly feel that unplugging from the 9 to 5 is going to take some adjusting to. That weekly structure is gone. I’m already having mild anxiety attacks that I’ll end up an unstructured mess, sleeping way too much and achieving way too little each day and gradually becoming irritable and unhappy. I think the important thing to remember is that it’ll be a learning process: I’ll need to learn again how to manage time off and how to manage my life without the structure of work there. I’ll need to re-learn how to be disciplined, how to be productive, how not to turn into a bumblng, useless wop and also how to relax and not feel guilty about it. In short: taking effective ‘career breaks’ is in itself a skill. Incase you haven’t already guessed I think a key tool in letting me learn this is journalling, so I’ve decided to start diarising my progress to help me achieve this task.

Singapore Bootcamps

Just incase you are one of my few regulars who lives in Singapore or Malaysia or Asia… (admittedly a small chance)

Please note I have decided to do some coaching at some point this and next month when I am in Singapore. The squeeze page is here: